Death by Dice

d66 Ocular Occultisms & Oracles - 2023 OSR Secret Santicorn

Death by Dice

For this year's OSR Secret Santicorn, I was allotted the prompt 'Magical eyes and the powers you get for implanting them (...)', courtesy of #catdragon9540 over at Glass Candles. I expanded on the implanting bit and included a wide variety from special powers to visions and ritual magic.

Originally, each column was supposed to contain entries related to one another, but that thematic restriction got lost somewhere between editing and struggling to fill some columns. Instead you get a wild mix, some plug-and-play, some in need of a creative touch to neatly slot into your game.

The entries marked with an asterisk are taken, more or less verbatim, from The Marquisat. You might also recognise elements from Naruto and other popular manga.

>> Google Doc <<

You can offer feedback in the OSR Discord, where this post will be linked, or reach me directly on Discord as #ashtonishing.


#OSR Santicorn #magic #random table